Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Profile characteristics of listeners of agricultural programmes broadcast by radio Bundelkhand
Akanksha Sharma, Kamini Bisht and Seema Naberia
The study was conducted in Orchha block of Niwari district of Madhya Pradesh because Radio Bundelkhand is operational in selected block. The block consists of 34 villages, out of which six villages were selected randomly. From each village, 20 respondents were selected. Thus the data was collected from 120 respondents. The main aim of this study to know the Profile characteristics of listeners of agricultural programmes broadcast by Radio Bundelkhand.
Data were collected personally with the help of structured interview schedule. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The qualitative data were converted into quantitative form by giving suitable scores. most of the listeners
i.e. 51.67 per cent belonged to middle age group
i.e. 36 to 56 years of age, formally educated up to high school (33.33%), were male (87.50%), small farmers having 1.01 to 2.00 hectare land holding (54.17%), medium size of family (42.50%), medium annual income (58.33%), medium level of extension participation (52.50%), medium level of social participation (50.83%), medium level of mass media participation (56.67%), medium cosmopoliteness (61.67%), medium level of extent of participation (82.50%).
Pages: 38-41 | 1503 Views 384 Downloads
Akanksha Sharma, Kamini Bisht and Seema Naberia. Profile characteristics of listeners of agricultural programmes broadcast by radio Bundelkhand. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):38-41.