Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Economic performance of Sri Method of paddy cultivation in Bhalaghat district of Madhya Pradesh
Dronak Kumar, Tameshwari Dohare and Naresh Kumar
It is true that Indian economy is predominantly rural and agriculture oriented where the declining trend in the average size of the farm holding possess a serious problem. The average size of land holding found to 1.16 hectare. On the other hand, in agriculture 60 per cent of the holding is less than 1.42 hectares. Majority of them are dry lands and even irrigated areas depend on the vagaries of monsoon. No doubt, India made a commendable progress in agriculture after green revolution the rate of growth in food production has been marginally more than the rate of growth of population. Of all the food articles, main food crops including cereals, pulses and oilseeds constitute the most significant part of the Indian diet. Nearby 60 per cent of the per capita income is spent on food crops by the lower half of the Indian population. The crops acreages have been found to be changing in specific areas subject to change in technology, market factors and economic status of producers and consumers etc. All the causal factors are bringing about changes in the cropping pattern of the regions. These positive changes occurred in agriculture determined the progress in agricultural production. Paddy cultivation is not the same in India after SRI. Farmers are trying, experimenting and modifying the method to suit local conditions; it can be either age of seedlings or the design of weeder. What is SRI and what is not SRI is not important, what is more important is that SRI has changed the way farmers look at the Rice plant. This is only the beginning. Millions of Indian farmers with this knowledge and experience in SRI will not only change their practice of using the resources but will force the establishment to invest in such methods that will lead to achieving food security and promoting efficient use of land and water. Now, SRI method of rice cultivation received important place of pried in increasing the yield per hectare of land with low cost of production which ultimately increases the profit of paddy growers. The country needs to its increase its food grain production to 450 million tonnes by the year 2050 to meet its food scarcity. Increase in paddy production will have to come from the same area or even a reduced area. This means the future of rice production has to come by improving yields. The scientists of AICRIP, KVK’s were actively engaged to popularize the SRI in Rewa, Shahdol, Jabalpur, Katni, Panna, Sidhi, Umaria Balaghat, Seoni etc. Very good impact was assessed. Farmers were achieved the rice grain yield ranging from 60 to 90q/ha under SRI in highly yielding varieties and hybrids. Approximately 25000 hectare area was under SRI at present in the state. In fact it is necessary here to describe system of Rice Intensification (SRI) at a glance. India is one of the largest producers of rice in the world; however, rice cultivation in recent times has suffered from several interrelated problems.
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Dronak Kumar, Tameshwari Dohare and Naresh Kumar. Economic performance of Sri Method of paddy cultivation in Bhalaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):50-53.