Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Growth and instability in area, production and productivity of chickpea in Marathwada region of Maharashtra
RV Chavan, KV Deshmukh and RD Shelke
Pulses are the important sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals and are popularly known as “Poor man’s meat” and “rich man’s vegetable”, contribute significantly to the nutritional security of the country. The main objective of the study is to estimate growth and instability in area, production and productivity of chickpea. The growth and instability in area, production and productivity of chickpea was achieved by estimating growth rates. The linear and compound growth rates of chickpea were worked out for the period of 2001-02 to 2015-16 by using time series data. The compound growth rates of area, production and productivity of chickpea was worked out by using exponential function. To measure the instability in area, production and productivity, an index of instability was used as a measure of variability. Coppock’s instability index was use to measure the coefficient of instability. The instability index developed by Cuddy and Della was also be used for estimating instability index. The growth of area under chickpea showed mixed trend in the period of study i.e. from 2002 – 2016. It clearly observed from the study that deviation in area from year to year was observed and it might be due to the climatic factors and dry spells in the region. At an overall period of study, the least instability was observed in Parbhani district, while highest instability was observed in Hingoli. It is concluded from the above discussion that all districts of Marathwada region was failed to achieve the stability in production of chickpea. In case of productivity, at an overall period of study, the least instability was observed in Parbhani district while highest instability was observed in Hingoli. Thus, from the above discussion it is concluded that all districts of Marathwada region was failed to achieve the stability in productivity of chickpea.
Pages: 73-79 | 1572 Views 597 Downloads
RV Chavan, KV Deshmukh and RD Shelke. Growth and instability in area, production and productivity of chickpea in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):73-79.