Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Traditional knowledge and indigenous practices still in vogue among rural populace of Garhwal Hills, Uttarakhand, India
Gaurav Papnai, Pankaj Nautiyal, Neeraj Joshi and Varun Supyal
The broad topic of ITK could be defined as experiential knowledge of a community, accumulated over a period of time, which the indigenous people practice in their daily lifestyle. In the field of agriculture, ITKs are practices that farmer adopt in cultivation, crop management and pest control. These knowledge sources are very handy in terms of availability and affordability to the farmers of rural area and with emergence of modern agricultural technological developments these ITKs have been going towards its extinction. Such traditional practices involve direct participation of the farmers and continuous learning. Following study explores and discuses some ITKs being practiced and popular among the farmers of Uttarkashi District (Garhwal region) of Uttrakhand. In this study 240 farmers participated and shared their views and experience of some traditional practices they undertake in various aspects of crop cultivation and pest management.
Pages: 145-147 | 1508 Views 447 Downloads
Gaurav Papnai, Pankaj Nautiyal, Neeraj Joshi and Varun Supyal. Traditional knowledge and indigenous practices still in vogue among rural populace of Garhwal Hills, Uttarakhand, India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):145-147.