Two field experiments were conducted during
kharif 2016 and
rabi/summer 2017 with VRI-2 sesame variety to screen the best border crop for managing the major insect pest shoot cum capsule borer
Antigastra catalaunalis by attracting and sustaining the natural enemy population in sesame ecosystem. Treatments consisted of sesame, the main crop along with border crops
viz., T
1-Sesame+sorghum, T
2-Sesame+blackgram, T
3-Sesame+cowpea, T
4-Sesame +clusterbean, T
5-Sesame+pearlmillet, T
6-Sesame+sunflower, T
7-Sesame+castor and T
8- Sesame sole. Results showed that lowest population of
Antigastra larva (0.4/plant) was recorded in T5 (sesame + pearl millet) followed by T
1 (sesame + sorghum) and T
7 (sesame + castor) (0.6/plant). Damage percent was more in T
8 (26.39%) (Sole sesame) followed by T
6 (sesame + sunflower) (20%). T
5 (sesame + pearl millet) registered the lowest capsule damage (4.17%) followed by T
7 (4.95%) and T
3 (5.04%). Sesame+pearl millet registered lowest leafhopper population (1.0/plant) followed by T
2 = T
4 (1.20/plant). However, phyllody incidence was less (2.02% & 6.35%) in sesame+blackgram combination as against 6.35% & 17.96 in control during vegetative and flowering stage. During
rabi/summer 2017, lowest number of
Antigastra (0.70/plant) was recorded in sesame + pearl millet followed by sesame + sorghum (0.73/plant) at vegetative stage. During flowering stage, pearl millet border cropping recorded lesser damage (14.04%) followed by sesame+sorghum (14.67%) whereas sole sesame recorded damage to the tune of 23.72%. However, sorghum border cropping recorded lowest capsule damage (4.67%) followed by sesame+pearl millet (4.93%). The same trend was observed during capsule formation stage also. During
kharif 2016, predatory coccinellids population was more in black gram border cropping (1.41/plant) followed by sorghum and cowpea border cropping (1.10/plant). During
rabi/summer 2017, also the coccinellids population was more in sesame border cropped with pulses like black gram (1.67/plant) and cow pea (1.33/plant) during flowering stage. With regard to spiders, highest population was recorded in sesame+pearl millet (0.73/plant) followed by sesame+sorghum (0.67/plant) in
kharif 2016 and 1.03/plant and 0.93/plant respectively in
rabi/summer 2017. Sesame+pearl millet combination recorded maximum of seed yield 547 and 636 kg/ha during
kharif 2016 and
rabi/summer 2017 followed by sesame+sorghum combination (528 & 612 kg/ha)