Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 2 (2020)
Family farming the way of life in the context of Indian agriculture
AN Shukla, Neeraj Kumar Verma and Nasir Husain
Indian agriculture is structurally small farm and small holder based. The share of small farms in total farm output has increased over time. Small- holder farmers are vital for India’s agriculture and rural economy. Small-holder farmers - defined as those marginal and sub-marginal farm households that own or/and cultivate less than 2.0 hectare of land constitute about 78 per cent of the country’s farmers (at Agricultural Census 1990-91). These small-holders owned only 33 per cent of the total cultivated land; their contribution to national grain production was nonetheless 41 per cent. Their contribution to household food security and poverty alleviation is thus disproportionately high and is increasing. Moreover, as the national population increases, so does the number of small holdings.
Small- holder families constitute more than half of the national population. It is thus disappointing that notwithstanding their substantial and increasing contribution to the national food supply and to agricultural GDP, these small holder families nonetheless constitute more than half of the nation’s totals of hungry and poor. Policies and programmes to lessen poverty and food insecurity, and to enhance equity and sustainability of incomes and livelihoods, should thus seek to achieve an agriculture-led broad-based economic development and to do so by according highest priority to small-scale agriculture.
Pages: 460-463 | 1152 Views 345 Downloads
AN Shukla, Neeraj Kumar Verma and Nasir Husain. Family farming the way of life in the context of Indian agriculture. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(2S):460-463.