Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 3 (2020)
Forest land use map of Chandaka wildlife sanctuary, Odisha using multidate data
Sefali Rout, DK Rout, TL Mohanty and MR Kar
The area statistics of Forest land use classes of Chandaka Wildlife Sanctuary obtained in the year 2006 using digital image processing technique and geographic Information System, we found among forest classes the dense mixed forest covers 3917.96 ha. in the sanctuary area where as open mixed forest covers 6024.56 ha., which is the maximum area cover in this sanctuary. Degraded mixed forest covers 3181.74 ha. Dense Sal forest covers 55.81 ha., open Sal forest covers 82.40 ha. and degraded Sal forest covers 23.38 ha. in the sanctuary area. Eupatorium/ Lantana comes 2131.29 ha which causes serious damage for the regeneration of other forest species. Teak is found to be 270.97 ha. and Bamboo covers 1501.91ha. The waste lands like land with/ without scrub covers 140.28 ha., mining/ queries area is 12.92 ha., Barren rocky/stony area covers 30.79 ha. The settlement area like town/ city covers 15.82 ha. and village covers 28.66 ha. in the sanctuary. The water body is found to be 140.85 ha. The agricultural land is about1623.16 ha. in the sanctuary area. From area statistics of change detection of forest land use between the year 2003 and 2006 of Chandaka- Dampara Wildlife division we found that town is increased by 0.57 ha. due to increase in population and village is decreased by 0.81 ha. Agricultural land is increased and it is 126.49 ha. due to requirement of crops and food of population. Among forest covers dense mixed forest is decreased by 2977.09 ha. open mixed forest increased by 2015.72 ha. and degraded mixed forest increased by 1639.84 ha. Among Sal forest dense Sal forest is decreased by 8.81 ha, open Sal forest is increased by 57.44 ha. and degraded Sal forest is decreased by 6.52 ha. In total Sal forest is increased. Eupatorium/ Lantana area is decreased by 1014.36 ha. Teak is increased which is 32.51 ha. Bamboo also increased and it is 39.65 ha. Land with/ without scrub area is increased by 60.08 ha. Mining/ quarries area decreased by 0.39 ha., barren rocky/ stony area is increased by 5.79 ha. The water body also increased which is 29.86 ha.
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Sefali Rout, DK Rout, TL Mohanty and MR Kar. Forest land use map of Chandaka wildlife sanctuary, Odisha using multidate data. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3S):05-10.