Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 3 (2020)
Role of ASHA to aware about antenatal care and post natal care services are utilized by women beneficiaries registered in JSY (Janani Suraksha yojana) in Samastipur district in Bihar
Ruby Kumari and Kumari Shipra
Mother and child constitute a priority group in a community. Maternal health is a key barometer of a sound and functional health system. Saving mothers benefits their children, their families, communities and countries. This Study was conducted in Samastipur district of Bihar to study analysis of role of ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) to aware about utilization of antenatal care and post natal care services by women beneficiaries registered in JSY scheme. The finding of study showed that 90 per cent of women beneficiaries utilize IFA tablets distributed by ASHA workers provided in JSY scheme followed by 55 per cent women beneficiaries have not aware about examine blood and urine during pregnancy, caste, age and knowledge about ASHA workers and knowledge about cash assistance and attitude there was corresponding influence to utilize service provided in JSY scheme during antenatal stage. 95 per cent JSY women beneficiaries utilize post natal services like BCG immunizes arranged by ASHA workers for new born baby followed by 61.7 per cent women beneficiaries have not aware regarding ASHA workers helps in immunization programmes and village health planning. Education, family annual income and knowledge about cash assistance there was corresponding influence to utilize service provided in JSY scheme during postnatal stagey.
Pages: 36-38 | 2032 Views 907 Downloads
Ruby Kumari and Kumari Shipra. Role of ASHA to aware about antenatal care and post natal care services are utilized by women beneficiaries registered in JSY (Janani Suraksha yojana) in Samastipur district in Bihar. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(3S):36-38.