Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 4 (2020)
IPM strategies for management of insect transmitted viral diseases in rice fallow blackgram in farmer’s fields of Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh
On farm trials in ten locations were conducted to evaluate efficacy of IPM strategies with emphasis on use of seed treatment and cultural practices for management of vector borne viral diseases in blackgram and to create awareness among the farming community during rabi, 2017-18 to 2019-20 in the farmer’s fields in Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. By adoption of IPM practices in all the three years, the incidence of the MYVM was reduced to 1.03 per cent compared to 2.77 in farmers practice and leaf curl viral disease was reduced to 1.06 compared to 3.47 percent in farmers practice; while leaf curl and bud necrosis was not notice in all the years. This has resulted in reduction in the average cost of cultivation by Rs. 3504.00 per hectare and the average net income was improved by Rs. 12752 per hectare compared to the farmers practice. The average yield levels (1652 kg/ha) improved by 11.55 per cent compared to farmers practice (1479 kg/ha) giving a clear indication that adoption of IPM practices with emphasis on seed treatment and cultural practices helped in reducing the sucking pest population and viral diseases damage and improving yield, helps in improving the net income levels to the resource poor farmers.
Pages: 241-244 | 1100 Views 409 Downloads
P Sudha Jacob. IPM strategies for management of insect transmitted viral diseases in rice fallow blackgram in farmer’s fields of Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4S):241-244.