The experiment was carried out at the college Farm, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (Gujarat) during the summer season of 2016 on heavy black soil. An experiment result was found that application of vermicompost @ 2.0 t/ha realized significantly highest value for protein content and protein yield and lowest value for crude fibre content than bio compost @2.0 t/ha. Application of vermicompost @ 2.0 t/ha significantly improved content and uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by fodder cowpea than bio compost @2.0 t/ha. Available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium status in soil after harvest of crop was significantly increased with application of vermicompost @2.0 t/ha than bio compost @2.0 t/ha. In case of inorganic fertilizers significantly higher protein content, protein yield and less crude fibre content was found under application of the 100% RDF (20:40:00 N:P:K kg/ha). Nutrient N and Kcontent were observed significantly higher with F
3 (100% RDF) which remained at par with F
2 (75% RDF) where P
5 content was significantly highest with F
3 (100% RDF). Nutrient uptake of N, P
5, and K were found significant with treatment F
3 over F
2 and F
1 but remained at par under F
2. In case of bio fertilizer, protein yield was found significantly highest with B
Rhizobium + PSB (10 ml each kg/seed) over B
1(No Bio fertilizers). Protein content, crude fibre content, nutrient content (N, P
5and K) were found non-significant effect under biofertilizer treatment. Nutrient uptake of N, P
5, Kof fodder cowpea were found significantly highest under treatment B
Rhizobium + PSB (10 ml each kg/seed). Soil status of N and K
2O were found statistically not differ with biofertilizer treatment but P
5 was found significantly highest with application of
Rhizobium + PSB (10 ml each kg/seed) over No Bio fertilizers.