Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 4 (2020)
Tray nursery management for machine transplanting under Mechanized System of Rice Intensification (MSRI)
P Maheswara Reddy, G Krishna Reddy, P Sudhakar, G Prabhakar Reddy, KV Nagamadhuri and B Ravindra Reddy
Study on nursery management techniques during
rabi, 2015-16 was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh for finding suitable bedding material and foliar nutrition to develop the mat nursery to suit for machine transplanting under Mechanized System of Rice Intensification (MSRI). The treatments include four bedding materials (soil alone, soil: farm yard manure, soil: vermicompost and soil: pressmud cake in the ratio of 70: 30) and five foliar applications (control, urea @ 0.5%, DAP @ 0.5%, 19-19-19 @ 0.5% and 13-00-45 @ 0.5%) tested in Randomized Block Design with factorial concept with three replications. At 13 and 16 Days after sowing the bedding material comprised of soil with pressmud cake in 70: 30 ratio recorded significantly more seedling vigour index, dry matter production, seedling root length and shoot length over soil with farmyard manure and soil alone as bedding materials but, comparable to soil with vermicompost and the lowest seedling vigour index was recorded with soil alone as bedding material. Foliar sprays and their interaction with bedding materials recorded non significant differences with growth parameters of rice seedlings at 13 and 16 DAS. However, better growth parameters were recorded numerically with the foliar application of urea @ 0.5% as compared to other foliar applications.
Pages: 533-536 | 1181 Views 504 Downloads
P Maheswara Reddy, G Krishna Reddy, P Sudhakar, G Prabhakar Reddy, KV Nagamadhuri and B Ravindra Reddy. Tray nursery management for machine transplanting under Mechanized System of Rice Intensification (MSRI). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4S):533-536.