Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 4 (2020)
Assessment of cost and returns of onion growing farmers in Deogarh district, Orissa, India
Gyanaprakash Bishi, Dinesh and OP Singh
Horticulture being the paramount importance to the Indian economy and also provide way for diversification and also generate employment to a vast workforce in Indian agriculture. Further the horticulture provides ample opportunity for the advancement of production techniques. Onion being an important horticulture crop with maximum production comes from the Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh but Orissa also cultivate onion on 333189 hectares during both season with net production of about 3.95 lakh MT in 2016 as per agricutlture statistics 2016-17, Orissa also latest NSSO survey estimated that annual requirement of onion in state is 2.32 lakh MT. It shows the production is more than the requirement so a large surplus goes in waste (Gulati, 1994). Keeping the economic view of onion production in Orissa, Reamal block of Deogarh district which contributed about 90 per cent production of onion crop to the district. Due to high cost of inputs and ignorance about improved practices general farmers cannot use the advanced technology judiciously. So, the present study took the issue of cost and return on different onion grower’s farms. The primary data were classified and tabulated in the light of stated objectives of the study and analyzed as per the suitable statistics and economic tools as follows: The estimates of profitability were based on different costs and returns incurred in onion cultivation like cost A, B and C concepts. Cost studies shows that average cost of cultivation is Rs. 40423 per hectare and the bullock labour employed in onion cultivation is a major source of expenditure in total cost of cultivation. While gross income able to cover the cost which made Benefit Cost Ratio 1.94 which means the onion cultivation is beneficial for the farmer in Deogarh district of Orissa.
Pages: 537-540 | 2852 Views 2105 Downloads
Gyanaprakash Bishi, Dinesh and OP Singh.
Assessment of cost and returns of onion growing farmers in Deogarh district, Orissa, India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4S):537-540. DOI: