Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 4 (2020)
Role of investment and employment in cereals and pulses processing sectors in Karnataka state
Vasudeva Naik K, Yeledhalli RA and Nataraj Patted
The cereals and pulses Processing industries in India were plays a vital role in the national economic development and has potential to meet the local needs and export requirements. These agro-processing sectors can be grouped as cereals and pulses processing, fruits & vegetables processing units and commercial crops processing units. It is found that 48 per cent of the household expenditure in India is on food items and the demand for processed/convenience food is constantly increasing. A well-developed Agribusiness and Food Processing sector with higher level of processing and value addition helps in the reduction of wastage, promotes crop diversification, ensures better return to the farmers, promotes employment as well as increases export earnings. This sector is also capable of addressing critical issues of food security, food inflation and providing wholesome and nutritious food to the masses. In this context there is a need for improving the capacity of the cereals and pulses processing units to harness backward linkages allied activities in order to efficiently convert part of the output to value added products acceptable to the domestic and international markets. This would generate employment opportunities for different types of skills through food processing, packaging, grading and distribution. Keeping the above aspects in consideration the study was carried out in the state of Karnataka. Cereals and pulses processing industries has got a considerable growth which signified the importance of agro processing industries. Therefore it has great scope for development in the state. Hence, it must be promoted extensively. Existing investment in this sector are found facing many problems which affect their operation.
Pages: 606-609 | 971 Views 266 Downloads
Vasudeva Naik K, Yeledhalli RA and Nataraj Patted. Role of investment and employment in cereals and pulses processing sectors in Karnataka state. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4S):606-609.