The experiment entitled “Rejuvenation study on old and senile sapota plant
cv. Cricket Ball under coastal zone of Odisha” was carried out at Horticulture Research Station, Department of Fruit Science &Horticulture Technology, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology during the year 2013-2017. The investigation was undertaken on uniform 55 year old plantation of Sapota cv. Cricket Ball. The experiment was laid out in split plot design in which pruning was under main plot and spraying of plant growth regulators were kept in sub-plot. Observations on yield and yield attributing characters like number of flowers per shoot, fruit set (%), flower drop (%), days taken from flowering to fruit maturity, number of fruits per tree and physico-chemical parameters like fruit weight (g), fruit volume (cc), fruit size, seed (%), peel (%), pulp (%), TSS (
oBrix), titratable acidity (%), total sugar (%), reducing sugar (%),ascorbic acid (mg/100g pulp) were observed. The collected data were analysed through SAS and represented in the tables.
It was observed that the treatment combination P2G3 (clipping of terminal shoots + NAA@50ppm)recorded highest fruit yield (19.34kg/tree) in the 3rd year after pruning. Subsequently in the 4th year after pruning, the treatment combination P3G3 (pruning of tertiary branches + NAA@50ppm) produced highest yield (20.57kg/tree) and the treatment combination P5G3 (primary pruning + NAA@ 50 ppm) recorded highest fruit set% (17.85%) andmaximum TSS (25.50 °Brix) content was recorded in the treatment combination P5G2 (pruning of primarybranches + GA3@20 ppm).
Sahoo AK, Tarai RK, Das BC and Sethy BK. Rejuvenation study on old and senile sapota plant cv. cricket ball under coastal zone of Odisha. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(4S):664-670.