Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Relationship between profile characteristics of post graduate students and their level of aspiration towards agricultural entrepreneurship
Suraji Yugender Reddy, MS Chandawat and VD Tarpara
The present study was conducted in Junagadh district of Gujarat. Ex-post facto research design was followed for the study. Total 120 respondents were randomly selected for the study representing 5 colleges of Junagadh Agricultural University. The findings revealed that 58.34 per cent of the post graduate students had medium level of aspiration, followed by high and low level of aspiration towards agricultural entrepreneurship. This paper throws light on the profile characteristics of post graduate students and level of aspiration. Findings revealed that the independent variables
viz; father’s education, family occupational status, self confidence and cosmopoliteness had positive and significant relationship at five per cent level of significance. Whereas, academic achievement, family income and risk orientation at one per cent level of significance. Age, participation in extracurricular activities, overall modernity, reading habit, agricultural business anxiety and knowledge about government projects about agri-business
exhibited non significant relationship with aspiration towards agricultural entrepreneurship.
Pages: 219-221 | 1048 Views 317 Downloads
Suraji Yugender Reddy, MS Chandawat and VD Tarpara. Relationship between profile characteristics of post graduate students and their level of aspiration towards agricultural entrepreneurship. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):219-221.