Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Economics of potato cultivation in Jaunpur and Ghazipur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh
Ramratan Singh, Dr. Babu Singh, Dr. Birendra Kumar, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Jyoti Gupta and Ramvinay Pal
The present study was conducted in Jaunpur and Ghajipur districts of Eastern U.P. District Jaunpur and Ghazipur were purposively selected and the two blocks from each district namely Mariyahun and Bkhsa from Jaunpur districts and from Ghazipur district Zamaniya and Saidpur were selected purposively for the study due to most of the farmers engaged in potato cultivation. List of the villages from selected blocks were prepared along with hectarage under wheat cultivation and 5 villages were selected randomly for study. In all 200 number of farmers were selected proportionally from each category of farmers and classified into three categories i.e. marginal (below 1 ha), small (1-2 ha), large (2 ha & above). The period of enquiry pertain to the agricultural year 2016-17. The primary data were collected from 200 sample respondents (100 small, 70 small and 30 large) through pre-tested interview schedule. The present study has been made to work out the cost of cultivation, profitability and production of potato crop. The cost of cultivation was found to be highest on large farms Rs/ha 85475.25 as compared to small farms Rs/ha 77745.47 and marginal farms Rs/ha 70345.52. The gross income received on an average from potato cultivation was to be Rs/ha 129130.00 per hectare, while gross income was found to be maximum in case of large farms Rs/ha 145872.00 followed by small farms Rs/ha 128238.00 and marginal farms Rs/ha 113280.00. The net income, family labour income, farm business income and farm investment income, on an average basis were found to be Rs/ha 51273.92, Rs/ha 56127.82, Rs/ha 83126.47and Rs/ha 78273.24 per hectare, respectively. The benefit cost ratio was found to 1:1.66 on overall basis. The cost according to different cost concept on overall basis was as fallows, cost A
1, A
2, B
1, B
2, C1, C2, C
3 were observed to Rs. 46003.53, Rs. 46003.53, Rs. 59002.18, Rs. 73002.18, Rs. 63855.41, Rs. 77855.41 and Rs. 85640.95 on sample farms respectively.
Pages: 306-309 | 1469 Views 709 Downloads
Ramratan Singh, Dr. Babu Singh, Dr. Birendra Kumar, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dr. Jyoti Gupta and Ramvinay Pal. Economics of potato cultivation in Jaunpur and Ghazipur district of eastern Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):306-309.