Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Economic analysis of summer paddy cultivation in Gadchiroli District
KD Parvekar, BN Ganvir, PP Baviskar, SB Mane and AG Kadu
The present study entitteled ‘‘Economic Analysis of Summer paddy Cultivation in Gadchiroli District’’ has been undertaken in Desaiganj-wadsa and Armori tahsil of Gadchiroli district. In all six villages were selected from these tahsils
viz; Kurud, Kondhala, Shivrajpur from desaiganj and Arsoda, Ravi, Waghada from Aromri tahsil. Over all 72 farmers were selected for present study. The data pertain for the year 2017-18. The socio-economic characteristics of farmers i.e. size of family, educational status, land utilization pattern and cropping pattern were studied. The study revealed that On overall basis, family size 40 per cent male, 40 per cent female 20 per cent children of the family members. The higher per cent (9.43 per cent) illiteracy was noted in small size land holding group of selected summer paddy growers. The average size land holding in small, medium and large farmers was 1.2 hectare, 3 hectare and 6.4 hectare, respectively. At overall level average size of holding was 1.82 hectares. The cropping intensity was found to be higher in Medium size of land holding of farmer’s i.e.209.21 followed by small (204.23%) and large farmers (126.06%) and cropping intensity was 194.35 per cent at overall basis.
Pages: 310-313 | 1596 Views 885 Downloads
KD Parvekar, BN Ganvir, PP Baviskar, SB Mane and AG Kadu. Economic analysis of summer paddy cultivation in Gadchiroli District. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):310-313.