Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Enhancing productivity of ginger through scientific production technologies
Santhosha HM, Manju MJ and Roopa S Patil
Ginger is important cash crop for small and marginal farmers, but due to various manageable biotic and abiotic stresses its productivity is low. To improve the productivity of this crop through scientific production technologies front line demonstration was conducted. Farmer practices were considered as check and compared with demonstration fields. In demonstration field blanket application of neem cake, rhizome treatment, rhizome rot complex management, leaf spot and shoot borer management and micronutrient spray were demonstrated. In demo field yield increased by 18 per cent over check. Benefit cost ratio of 3.22 in demo field and 2.95 in check field were recorded. Demonstration of scientific production technologies revealed that with the adoption of recommended technologies yield can be enhanced.
Pages: 338-340 | 1279 Views 620 Downloads
Santhosha HM, Manju MJ and Roopa S Patil. Enhancing productivity of ginger through scientific production technologies. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):338-340.