Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Brinjal: Economic study on the various cost and profit measures of Brinjal crop in Mau District of Uttar Pradesh
Manish Sharma and KK Singh
Brinjal is one of the popular vegetable crops grown in India, as well as, other parts of the world. It is grown throughout the year under tropical and subtropical conditions except higher altitudes. China followed India is the second largest producer of brinjal being cultivated over an area of 730.4 (000, ha), production 12800.8 (000, MT) with an average annual production of 17.5 million tons per ha in the year 2017-18. Mau district was purposively selected seeing the awareness and convenience of investigator being the native of this district. A list of bocks falling under Mau district of U.P. along with acreage under vegetable cultivation was prepared. A list of all villages falling under the selected block was prepared also. Five top ranking vegetables growing villages were selected for the study. A list of all vegetable growers of each selected village was prepared and stratified into three groups
viz. marginal, small and medium farms. Multistage stratified random-cum-purposive sampling was applied for selecting the block, village and respondents. Ultimately, 100 respondents (75 marginal,14 small and 11 medium) were selected, randomly. The study was pertained to the agriculture year 2019-20. The cost of cultivation was observed higher on marginal farms (Rs. 98091.00) followed by small farms (Rs. 93549.55) and medium farms (Rs. 91426.46), respectively. The overall average of the input-output ratio on the basis of various costs varies from 1:2.50 to 1:1.86 in the study area.
Pages: 432-434 | 2074 Views 1359 Downloads
Manish Sharma and KK Singh. Brinjal: Economic study on the various cost and profit measures of Brinjal crop in Mau District of Uttar Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):432-434.