Present investigation was carried out with the chemical composition of khajur rabri was determined, in respect to fat, protein, total sugar, ash, moisture and total solid. The treatment details were T
1 control sample, T
2 (97 per cent rabri + 3 per cent khajur crush), T
3 (94 per cent rabri + 6 per cent khajur crush), T
4 (91 per cent rabri + 9 per cent khajur crush), and T
5 (88 per cent rabri + 12 per cent khajur crush). During the chemical analysis it was revealed that the fat content of khajur rabri was 19.88, 19.20, 18.09, 17.17 and 16.26. Protein content was 10.01, 9.61, 9.10, 8.93, 8.44. Total sugar content was 17.02, 17.15, 17.28, 17.41, 17.53, Ash content of khajur rabri was 3.02, 2.91, 2.73, 2.62, 2.51, moisture content of khajur rabri was 44.18, 43.75, 43.26, 42.88, 42.26, total solids content was 55.82, 56.25, 56.74, 57.12, 57.74, for the treatment T
1, T
2, T
3, T
4 and T
5 respectively. In short fat, protein and Ash were normally decreased while total sugar, moisture and total solid were increased with increase in levels of khajur crush.