Pallavi Ramani, PK Sangode and MA Khan
The diverse climate in India ensures all varieties of vegetables are available. India is the world's second-largest producer of fruits and vegetables, accounting for about 10 percent and 15 percent of total global production respectively. India produced 18,58,83.22 thousand metric tonnes of vegetables. The area under cultivation of vegetables stood at 10,09,9.82 thousand hectare. Mostly all vegetable crops are grown very well in Chhattisgarh state. Vegetable cultivation in Durg district has a vast potential of improving the economic status of farming community realizing the importance many of the Women SHGs are associated with vegetable production in Durg district this would help them to generate employment, income and provide them with nutritional value for themselves and their families. The present investigation was conducted in Durg district of Chhattisgarh state during 2019-20 to ascertain the constraints faced by women SHGs members in vegetable production. The study covered 12 women SHGs from all the three blocks in the Durg district. Data were collected from women SHG members growing vegetables that were selected randomly from each selected 12 women SHG to make a sample size of 120 with the help of pre tested interview schedule. Data collected included the constraints faced by women members in vegetable production and the suggestions to overcome the constraints faced by them in vegetable production. The result of study showed that about 79.16 per cent of the respondents faced difficulty in protecting the vegetables from adverse weather conditions. About 74.16 per cent of the respondents suggested that information of proper weather forecast through SMS should be provided.
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