Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Physical, microbial and biochemical composition of bio-pesticides based on cow urine and dung with medicinal plants
Nawal Singh Rawat, Surender Singh Lathwal, Girish J Panchbhai, Ravi Kumar Pal, Amit Kumar Jha and Mohabat Singh Jamra
The use of homemade bio-pesticides in the farming practices is an old age practice which is very much friendly to the environment and can be obtained from nature directly. Bio-pesticides tend to be less toxic, more quickly biodegradable and more targeted to the specific pest. Cow urine and dung has many beneficial properties particularly in the area of agriculture and therapeutics. Cow dung and cow urine enhances the insecticidal activity of panchagavya which can reduce the number of application hazardous chemicals on crops. It has been shown that cow urine extract of certain plants as well as cow urine in combination with certain plant extracts are found to possess marked inhibitory effect on human pathogens as well as plant pathogens because N
2, CP, Urea, Uric acid, hippuric acid, creatinine and mineral contents were significantly higher which work as insecticidal. Presence of total bacterial and total yeast and mould were important factor that determines the quality of bio-pesticides. The cow urine and dung along with medicinal plants extract may be alternative of chemical pesticides.
Pages: 754-758 | 2424 Views 1471 Downloads
Nawal Singh Rawat, Surender Singh Lathwal, Girish J Panchbhai, Ravi Kumar Pal, Amit Kumar Jha and Mohabat Singh Jamra. Physical, microbial and biochemical composition of bio-pesticides based on cow urine and dung with medicinal plants. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):754-758.