Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Establishment of nutrition garden at schools: A means for food security
Vanishree S and Aravind Rathod
Food security and nutrition are basic human rights and fundamental to a healthy and productive live. Nutrition garden is an effective tool to improve the quality of food consumed and is a better strategy to prevent and combat malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in the community. Present study was undertaken during 2018-19 by establishing nutrition garden in selected schools of Lingasugur taluka. Five government schools were selected based on interest of school teachers, availability of area and water facility. Vegetable seeds kit (Ridge guard, cucumber, tomato, chilli, beans, methi, coriander, spinach and pumpkin) was distributed to each school along with seedlings of curry leaves, drumstick, lime and amla during
kharif season. In the initial stage teachers and students from 5
th standard to 10
th standard were introduced to the concept of nutrition garden and its importance through orientation on balanced diet, role of nutrients, sources of nutrients etc., further vegetables grown under nutrition garden were utilized in preparation of mid day meal food. Though there is a provision for purchase of vegetables for mid day meal (Rs.1/head/day) which is not sufficient to provide required nutrients. Later impact of incorporation of vegetables in mid day meal was assessed by pre structured schedule. Results revealed that working in nutrition garden gave them hands on experience of cultivation practices which helps them to understand the concepts of plant growth, soil fertility, water management etc., as opined by students. It was also observed that leaving a food in plate was reduced due to increased taste and consumption of fresh vegetables got increased which in turn increases the resistance to infections. It can be inferred from the study that nutrition garden can improve the nutritional status of community and develops the life skills for the children.
Pages: 801-802 | 1035 Views 353 Downloads
Vanishree S and Aravind Rathod. Establishment of nutrition garden at schools: A means for food security. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):801-802.