Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 5 (2020)
Economics of linseed marketing in Bhandara district
Dr. SN Suryawanshi, Sumit B Wasnik, AD Makesar and Dr. RD Walke
Assured marketing as a remunerative support price may be the greatest incentive to the farmers. This can be done by the government through an effective system of procurement, handling and disposal. This paper examines the different marketing channels, marketing cost & marketing margins and to work out the producer’s shares in consumer’s rupee for linseed. The primary data regarding marketing of linseed were collected from producer farmers including wholesalers and oil processors. It was found that the channel I (Direct channel) was most effective and remunerative having highest producer’s share in consumer rupee i.e., 96.56 per cent followed by Channel II (43.97 per cent), Channel IV (43.69 per cent) and Channel III (37.84 per cent). The total marketing cost was incurred by the intermediaries was the highest in channel III i.e., Rs. 1340.80. Marketing cost and marketing margins are found to be higher in channel II, channel III and channel IV due to the intervention of intermediaries in the market and which is least in channel I. As linseed is an important emerging oilseed crop. Therefore, it is felt necessary to study marketing of linseed in Bhandara district.
Pages: 803-806 | 938 Views 307 Downloads
Dr. SN Suryawanshi, Sumit B Wasnik, AD Makesar and Dr. RD Walke. Economics of linseed marketing in Bhandara district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(5S):803-806.