The present study was conducted in Umaria and Anuppur district of Madhya Pradesh with the specific objectives
viz. to identify major constraints faced by the farmers in practicing different models of IFS. The study confined to two locations (Umaria and Anuppur) of AICRP on IFS, JNKVV, Jabalpur. All beneficiaries (120) under IFS have been selected for the study. An equal number of non-beneficiaries having similar socio-economic status also been selected for the study. Thus, total number of respondents (120X2) =240. Four farming systems introduced in the study area,
viz; FS-I: Crops + Dairy, FS-II: Crops + Dairy + Vegetable, FS-III: Crops+ Dairy + Goatry, FS-IV: Crops+ Dairy+ Poultry. Major constraints faced by farmers in crop production in both the districts were, Low investment capacity, Lack of training facilities, Lack of credit facilities, High input cost. In livestock enterprises problems of unavailability of green fodder, unavailability of improved breeds, lack of scientific knowledge, and high cost of concentrate feed, low productivity, negative attitude towards innovative technologies. In vegetable production lack of training facilities, lack of technical knowhow, lack of knowledge about improved varieties, lack of transportation facilities. Major constraints for poultry farming were lack of knowledge, non-descript breed, non-availability of veterinary services and lack of transportation facilities.