Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 6 (2020)
Review on the effect of Panchagvya, PPFM and Humic acid on Greens Biomass
Dr. AD Ashok, J Ravivarman and Dr. K Kayalvizh
The organic inputs have played a decisive role in modifying different plant characters. Organics like Panchakavya and PPFM have been widely used for improving quality and yield in different horticultural crops. Panchagavya, methylobacteria and humic acid are improving the growth of green vegetables particularly amaranthus a major green cultivated in India. Above mentioned organics have effect on plants growth by improving nutritional status of plants. The effect of some organics on growth and development of plants is reviewed here.
Pages: 80-82 | 1287 Views 538 Downloads
Dr. AD Ashok, J Ravivarman and Dr. K Kayalvizh. Review on the effect of Panchagvya, PPFM and Humic acid on Greens Biomass. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(6S):80-82.