Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 6 (2020)
Bio-efficacy of different group of insecticides against the major sucking pests complex of Bt-Cotton crop
Jagadish Baraskar and VK Paradkar
The present experiments were conducted to evaluate
different group of insecticide molecules as foliar application for their bio-efficacy against major sucking pests of Bt-Cotton crop at JNKVV, Zonal Agricultural Research Station Chandangaon Chhindwara during Kharif-2017 & Kharif-2018 with seven treatments and three replications. Over all two spray were carried out during both years and thus the data obtained revealed that the insecticide molecule Flonicamid 50 % WG@ 150 g/ha was found best for managing the major sucking pest viz. Aphids, jassids, whitefly and thrips of Bt-cotton crop followed by Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 200 g/ha, Diafenthiuron 50% WP @ 600 g/ha and Fipronil 5% SC @1000 ml/ha were also found effective against the major sucking pests of Bt-cotton crop.
Pages: 109-113 | 1861 Views 1062 Downloads
Jagadish Baraskar and VK Paradkar. Bio-efficacy of different group of insecticides against the major sucking pests complex of Bt-Cotton crop. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(6S):109-113.