Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 9, Special Issue 6 (2020)
Effect of front line demonstration on Niger in Dindori District
Nidhi Verma, Anjum Ahmad, Megha Dubey and Shweta Mesram
The present study was conducted to investigation the costs involved and returns obtained from the cultivation of Niger and compare the performance of Niger variety JNS-9, JNS-6, JNS-28 with the local variety of farmer in the district Dindori. The demonstration were conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dindori at the farmers fields of many villages during the kharif season from 2017-18 to 2019-20 in district Dindori of Madhya Pradesh. The average yield of FLD was 404.0 Kg/ha as compared to farmers practices 197.3 Kg/ha. The average yield increased 138.6 per cent over farmer’s practices during the three years. The result indicated that the front line demonstration has given a good impact over the farming community of the district about 529 Kg/ha. The farmers of the district have been motivated by the improved agriculture technologies applied in the FLD these findings are in corroboration with the finding of many others.
Pages: 193-195 | 910 Views 257 Downloads
Nidhi Verma, Anjum Ahmad, Megha Dubey and Shweta Mesram. Effect of front line demonstration on Niger in Dindori District. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2020;9(6S):193-195.