Suryakant Sonwani, Jeet Raj, Aman and Shambhu Singh
Chhattisgarh one of the thirty-five constituents of the country occupies 135194 which is 4.14% of the geographical area of India. The state has 59384 rural pond areas covering 0.751 lakh has and 17.70 irrigation reservoirs covering 0.826 lakh hectare water areas totaling 1.577 lakh hectare water area available for fisheries development at the end of 2013-14. The topographic survey of the study area has done by using the square grid method of differential height and taken an arbitrary benchmark. The elevation of the different points was measured by Auto-level, with the help of a topographic survey contour map of the study area is drawn. The average slope of the land was determined by 3%. The lowest and highest reduced levels were 289 m and 297 m respectively. Contours were prepared with a 1m contour interval from 289 m to 297 m. The site for the construction of the farm pond is selected by using the contour map of the study area. In this map according to respected land slope suitable site for a farm pond is selected in the lowest point of the study area in the south-west direction.
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