Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Special Issue 1 (2021)
Response of different combinations of organic manures and bio-fertilizers on growth and yield of kale Cv. Gurez local (Siberian kale) under high altitude climatic conditions of Gurez-J&K
Feroz Ahmad Parry, Waseem Ali Dar, Bilal Ahmad Bhat and Tariq Sultan
A field experiment was conducted at experimental farm of Mountain Agriculture Research & Extension Station Gurez, SKUAST-K (J&K) with six treatments of combinations of different sources of organic manures along with bio-fertilizers (Azotobactor + Phosphate solublizing bacteria) during kharif -2020 to find out the response of different sources of organic manures and bio-fertilizers for improving growth and yield attributes of Kale (Siberian kale) under high altitude rain fed climatic conditions. Among the treatments studied, significantly highest plant height (45.66 cm), No. of leaves/plant (17.66), plant spread /plant (44.33 cm), weight of leaves /plant (335.00 g), yield /plot(9.38 kg) and yield /hectare 208.44 q, were noticed with the application of poultry manure @100% recommended dose 5 tonnes/hectare along with azotobactor and phosphate solublizing bacteria.
Pages: 155-157 | 1267 Views 449 Downloads
Feroz Ahmad Parry, Waseem Ali Dar, Bilal Ahmad Bhat and Tariq Sultan. Response of different combinations of organic manures and bio-fertilizers on growth and yield of kale Cv. Gurez local (Siberian kale) under high altitude climatic conditions of Gurez-J&K. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1S):155-157.