Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Special Issue 1 (2021)
Contribution of starter dose and seed inoculation in yield and economics of black gram under Hathras condition
Front line demonstrations on Black gram were conducted during
Kharif seasons of 2012-13 and 2015-16 at farmer’s fields. The demonstrations were laid out in five villages in three blocks of Hathras District of Uttar Pradesh. Total 14 Frontline Demonstrations were conducted in 5.6 hectare land in order to have better impact of the demonstrated technologies on the farmers and field level extension functionaries. The cluster of black gram growing farmers was selected in villages where crop covered a handsome area to increase the impact of demonstrations. Each demonstration was conducted in a block of 0.2 to 0.4 ha area in order to have better impact of the technologies demonstrated against the local checks. The best suitable nutrient management technique (100 kg/ha DAP along with
Rhizobium and PSB culture as seed treatment) in Blackgram for Hathras district was demonstrated through Front Line Demonstration conducted on the farmer’s field in five villages of three blocks in Hathras District of Uttar Pradesh, India. The demonstrated technology gave higher grain yield (11.00q/ha) and net return of Rs. 36,775/ha with benefit cost ratio 3.32 as compared to grain yield 8.75q/ha and net return of Rs. 29,025/-ha with benefit cost ratio 3.24 from farmer’s practice. On the basis of the experimental findings, it was concluded that the application of 100 kg/ha Di Ammonium Phhosphate with
Rhizobium and PSB culture as seed treatment enhanced the grain, straw, and biological yield of black gram than the farmers practice and also increased the gross return, net return and B: C ratio. Thus the result of the experiment focussed the need of the use of biofertilizer (
Rhizobium) with DAP to ensure the higher productivity at farmer’s field with low cost input.
Pages: 158-162 | 959 Views 329 Downloads
Shyam Singh. Contribution of starter dose and seed inoculation in yield and economics of black gram under Hathras condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1S):158-162.