Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Special Issue 1 (2021)
Economic analysis of tomato production in Akola district
PB Bandgar, VJ Rathod and VP Wavdhane
Vegetables play an important role in both the regional and national economy of the agriculture sector. India continues to the second largest producer of vegetables in the world next to china. Tomato (
Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is an important
solaneceae family crop, it is originated by native of tropical America. From the tropical America it is spread to other part of world in the 16
th century and become popular within last nine decades. The present study of economic analysis of Tomato production in Akola district was carried out during the year 2018-2019. The primary data of 90 growers were collected from three tahsils for Tomato growers. Collected data was using simple tabular analysis worked out by using standardized cost concept by CACP i.e cost-A
1, A
2, cost-B
1, B
2, cost-C
1, C
2 and benefit-cost ratio. Per hectare total cost of cultivation of Tomato was highest in the large group i.e. Rs.126412.96 per hectare followed by medium group (Rs. 122593.62) and small group (Rs.111806.84).The benefit cost ratio of tomato at cost 'C
3' was 1.62 in small group, 1.65 in medium group and 1.68 in large group.
Pages: 497-501 | 1305 Views 542 Downloads
PB Bandgar, VJ Rathod and VP Wavdhane. Economic analysis of tomato production in Akola district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(1S):497-501.