Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Special Issue 2 (2021)
Trend analysis of area, production and productivity of finger millet (Ragi)
Vennila M and Dr. C Murthy
The present study has been analysed the trend in area, production and productivity of finger millet and the instability by Cuddy Della Valle index. The study has been carried out based on secondary data and the data was collected for the periods from 2007-08 to 2018-19 from various government publications and websites. Compound annual growth rate, co- efficient of variation and instability index was computed. The growth rate of area of finger millet in India showed significant at 1 per cent level with negative trend which is due to diversification of crops and production showed significant at 5 per cent level but negative trend as it is the function of area and productivity. The productivity found insignificant negative trend which is due adoption of traditional varieties. The growth rate of area and productivity of finger millet of Karnataka showed significant at 1 per cent level with negative trend and production showed significant at 5 per cent level with negative trend. Thus there is a need to take up productivity enhancing measures in finger millet like varietal improvement, improved cultural practices and irrigation facilities. The instability indices for area, production and productivity for finger millet is positive which indicates less risk in growing finger millet in future. The fluctuations in area are due to replacement of finger millet cultivated lands by other comparable and competitive crops such as paddy, sugarcane, pulses and vegetables and due to it’s designation as a low value inferior crop alongside other millets. Even though, Karnataka tops in area under finger millet, the consumption was comparatively less due to consumption of jowar as staple food in north Karnataka region. Government intervention needs to focus on spreading finger millet as a wonder grain for dry lands and infant nutrition.
Pages: 84-90 | 4879 Views 3129 Downloads
Vennila M and Dr. C Murthy. Trend analysis of area, production and productivity of finger millet (Ragi). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(2S):84-90.