Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 10, Special Issue 2 (2021)
The impact of IPR in agriculture with particular reference to protecting biodiversity: An analysis
KM Manojkumar and Dr. E Murugaesan
Biological diversity is the hallmark of life on earth. It is very backbone of sustainable development. The current Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) regime is encouraging commercialization of seed development, monoculture, protection of new plant varieties, microorganisms, and genetically modified organisms. As a consequence, our rich biogenetic diversity is being eroded irreversibly. We must find out a path to make an alternative approach that will bring a balance in between formal Intellectual Property (IP) system and sustainable aspects of biodiversity.
Pages: 177-180 | 1240 Views 662 Downloads
KM Manojkumar and Dr. E Murugaesan. The impact of IPR in agriculture with particular reference to protecting biodiversity: An analysis. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2021;10(2S):177-180.