Qurat Ul Ain Nazir, Raqib Malik and GN Sheikh
Present study was conducted to evaluate biochemical changes in sheep of Kashmir valley suffering from gastrointestinal nematode infection. Thirty (N=30) animals infected with gastrointestinal nematodes were divided into five groups comprising of 6 animals each and treated with different anthelmintic drugs. An additional group comprising of six healthy animals apparently free from any infection was taken as healthy control. Different biochemical parameters like as blood glucose, total protein and serum albumin were significantly (p<0.05) low in clinically affected animals at the 0th day of study compared to healthy control. Following treatment with different anthelmintics there was significant (p<0.05) improvement in biochemical parameters at the end of study. A significant (p<0.05) increase in the blood glucose levels in Ivermectin treated group recorded on 7th day post treatment were 58.50± 0.56 mg/dl which were significantly (p<0.05) higher than infected control group (43.50±1.91 mg/dl) but comparable to healthy control (56.13±0.52 mg/dl). For Artemisia group, the values recorded also showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in blood glucose levels (55.62±0.58 mg/dl) on day 7 post-treatment which was significantly (p<0.05) higher as compared to untreated infected control group (43.50±1.91 mg/dl) but comparable to healthy control (56.13±0.52 mg/dl). In Ivermectin treated group, on day 7 post-treatment the values recorded were 6.47±0.08 g/dl which showed significant (p<0.05) increase in total protein than infected control group (5.65±0.18 g/dl) but comparable to healthy control (7.05±0.52 g/dl). In group artemesia, a significant (p<0.05) increase in serum albumin level was recorded by day 7 and values were 4.73±0.09 g/dl as compared to infected control (3.70±0.19 g/dl) improvement in biochemical parameters was also observed in other groups. However, the results were comparatively better for Ivermectin and Artemisia treated groups.
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