Rathod RK, Kachhadia VH, Polara AM and Jadeja SR
A Brinjal variety GRB-5 (JB-12-06) was developed at Vegetable Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh and was evaluated under state and coordinated trials during 2012-13 to 2016-17 and 2015-16 to 2017-18, respectively, during late kharif season at various locations along with check varieties; GAOB-2 and GJB-3,. On the basis of mean fruit yield data from the State trials GRB-5 recorded highest fruit yield of 395.04 q/ha as compared to check varieties; GAOB-2 (358.74 q/ha) and GJB-3 (317.60 q/ha), which was 10.12% and 24.38% higher over both the state check varieties, respectively. The fruits of this variety are medium in size with medium round in shape, attractive green in colour with purple shadow strip and good shining and pulp is white with less seeds. The protein (0.89%), total soluble sugar (4.12%), total soluble solids (9.00% Brix) and total phenol (28.12 mg/100g) are more to check varieties GAOB-2 and GJB-3. Incidence jassids (1.81/leaf), whitefly (1.33/leaf) and% fruit borer damage (0.68%), the proposed entry was found superior than check varieties GAOB-2 and GJB-3.
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