S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Pharmacognostical comparison and standardization of the wild and cultivated rhizomes of Rheum australe (Padamchal) of Nepal
Richa K. Gupta, Prem K. Gupta, Ram Narayan Jha, Gan B. Bajracharya
Pages: 112-116 | 3043 Views 466 Downloads | Country: Nepal
Nepal |
2 |
Ethno-medicinal plants used by the Traditional healer of West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India
Venkata Narasimha Kadali, Kameswara Rao Kindangi
Pages: 117-118 | 2588 Views 345 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Antimicrobial Activity of Methanol Extract of Root Bark of Hiptage benghalensis (L) Kurz
Lalnundanga, Lalchawimawii Ngente, Thanzami K
Pages: 119-121 | 3207 Views 631 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Comparative study of antioxidant activity of polyphenols isolated from frozen and fresh leaves of Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain)
Mazahir Raza, Anshul K. Shukla, Tatheer Fatima, Shaista Ali
Pages: 122-124 | 2852 Views 587 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Antimicrobial activities of Psidium guajava, Carica papaya and Mangifera indica against some gram positive and gram negative bacteria.
Shanjida Islam Tumpa, Md. Iqbal Hossain, Tasneema Ishika
Pages: 125-129 | 2966 Views 588 Downloads | Country: Bangladesh
Bangladesh |
6 |
Comparative extraction methods, phytochemical constituents, fluorescence analysis and HPLC validation of rosmarinic acid content in Mentha piperita, Mentha longifolia and Osimum basilicum
Aveen Nozad Adham
Pages: 130-139 | 5153 Views 1739 Downloads | Country: Iraq
Iraq |
7 |
A new Dihydronaphtaquinone from Dianella ensifolia L. Redout
Rivoarison Randrianasolo, Armandine Raharinirina, Herilala Léa Rasoanaivo, Hans Christoph Krebs, Amélie Raharisolololao, Andrianambinina Andriamarolahy Razakarivony, Maonja Finaritra Rakotondramanga
Pages: 140-144 | 2956 Views 371 Downloads | Country: Germany
Germany |
8 |
Centrifugally accelerated thin layer chromatography for isolation of marker compounds and bioactives
Varsha Agrawal, Sonal Desai
Pages: 145-149 | 3506 Views 1157 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
New hydroxy carboxylic acid from the root bark of Ziziphus oenoplia
S.Prabhavathi, S.Vijayalakshmi
Pages: 150-152 | 2454 Views 433 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Screening of antimicrobial activity of flower extracts on human bacterial pathogens
Syam Sree. K, Anudeep. M, Ch. Venkata Ramana, Ch. Bhaskar
Pages: 153-156 | 2907 Views 747 Downloads | Country: India
India |