S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Microbial evaluation of commercial samples of dried Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica Linn.) fruit rind procured from Herbal drug market in Kerala, India
RH Amina, Jollykutty Eapen and MS Deepa
Pages: 286-288 | 2453 Views 603 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Correlation studies in clusterbean as influenced by varieties and foliar appplication
RB Solanki, LR Yadav, Anshul Gupta, SS Yadav
Pages: 289-291 | 2099 Views 485 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Studies on amino acid and functional properties of leaf protein concentrate based weaning food
Meda RN, Kshirsagar RB, Sawate AR and Patil BM
Pages: 292-295 | 2133 Views 497 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Pharmacognostical and chromatographic evaluation of market sample of rhododendron arboreum stem bark as a source plant for Rohitaka in Nepal
Dr. Puneshwar Keshari, Dr. Pradeep and Suchitra N Prabhu
Pages: 296-306 | 2843 Views 781 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Effect of herbal formulation (Churn) on type 2 diabetic patients
Pooja S Solanki, Chaudhary KV, VH Kanbi and IN Patel
Pages: 307-310 | 2182 Views 425 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Effect of irrigation scheduling with drip irrigation and nitrogen levels on growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Barkha, AS Bhanvadia and SN Dholiya
Pages: 311-313 | 1959 Views 411 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Yield, water use efficiency and economics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as influenced by drip irrigation scheduling and nitrogen levels
Barkha, AS Bhanvadia and SN Dholiya
Pages: 314-316 | 1795 Views 334 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Source and Method of nitrogen application effect on Rabi baby corn (Zea mays L.) under drip system
VP Patel, GJ Patel and CK Desai
Pages: 317-321 | 1948 Views 391 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Efficacy of selected insecticides against chilli thrips {Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood)} on chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in Allahabad
Satish Tirkey and Ashwani Kumar
Pages: 322-324 | 2554 Views 802 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Exploring globally used antiurolithiatic plants of M to R families: Including Myrtaceae, Phyllanthaceae, Piperaceae, Polygonaceae, Rubiaceae and Rutaceae
Salman Ahmed and Muhammad Mohtasheemul Hasan
Pages: 325-335 | 2265 Views 739 Downloads | Country: Pakistan
Pakistan |