Fifty indigenous rice germplasm were evaluated to estimate the Agro-morphological characterization of indigenous germplasm accessions of rice (
Oryza sativa L.) in yield and yield contributing characters at Research cum Instructional Farm, Genetics and Plant Breeding Department, College of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, during
Kharif 2018. Varietal characterization is to establish the distinctiveness between the germplasm and also to establish their unique germplasm line detection .In the current study, morphological traits were recorded
viz., Coleoptile colour, basal leaf sheath colour, leaf intensity of green colour, leaf sheath intensity of anthocyanin coloration, culm attitude, lemma anthocyanin coloration of area below apex, stem thickness, lemma and palea colour and panicle length of main axis value observed highest differences between accessions. Hence characterization of germplasm accessions creates uniqueness between rice genotypes. In breeding programme, not only used for suitable base donors, although in current time it is useful for preserving the unique rice.