Jepar Pratik Bharat, Dr. Poorav Desai and Dr. Vijay D Kele
Background: Through this study comparing the absorbance capacity of the two different Standard mother tincture while preparing the external applicant i.e lotion with Standard Belladonna- Q and Standard Iris versicolor- Q
Methodology: Preparing the two different lotion with standard Belladonna- Q and Standard Iris versicolor- Q with base of distilled water. The samples were drawn into three main categories like Standard samples, Formulation samples, control sample. Thereafter the measurement of absorbance of these two different lotion were done by UV- visible spectrophotometer (Single beam).
Result: The absorbance of Belladonna- Q is 0.831 at 380 nm, 0.311 at 400 nm, Absorbance of Iris versicolor- Q is 0.740 at 350 nm, 0.842 at 340 nm, Lotion prepared by Belladonna- Q is 0.583 at 380 nm, 0.317 at 400 nm, 0.841 at 340 nm, Iris versicolor lotion at 340 nm is 0.841 and 0.742 at 350 nm.
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