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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)

Gum tapping technique and anatomical study of ethylene induced gum duct formation in Dhawda (Anogeissuslatifolia)


Vidya Bhushan Kuruwanshi, Pratibha Katiyar and Shabnam Khan

Gums are important natural biopolymers demand from biological system under stress situation i.e. disease injury to bark etc. being used as a principal components in food, pharmaceutical industries and play a key role in social and livelihood of tribal communities. Gums are metabolic by-products of plant tissues either in normal course or often as a result of disease or injury to the bark or wood of certain plants and it can not be re-entered with plant system. Dhawda (Anogeissuslatifolia) also known as Gum ghatti is the dried exudates tree belonging to family Combretaceae. The commercial tapping of Dhawda is done by blazing, peeling, or by making deep cuts at the base of the bole using an axe. These method soften lead to the death of the tapped trees. On account of crude tapping methods and over exploitation the population of Dhawda trees has markedly declined. The harvesting method currently used is traditional and injurious due to which often obtained inferior quality of products. Hence, the study was undertaken in ICAR Network Project for research work at village Khargadih, district Raipur (Chhattisgarh) to develop the scientific tapping techniquefor sustainable harvesting in major gum producing tree of Chhattisgarh state during year 2015. The various chemical methods are used for tapping purpose. Chemical tapping method using ethephon and IAA injected by battery operated drill machine. However, temperature and relative humidity also play significant role in gum exudation. Theethephon @ 2.34% in 4 ml in two consecutive doses in 45-60 days intervals at high temperature in month of April toJune was found significantly effective for maximum gum production. The process of gummosis related to biotic and abiotic stress of tree plant and plays significant role in production of biopolymers (gum/resin). Therefore, the physiological tool was used to impose artificial stress via various concentration of ethephon (slow releasing substance of ethylene) as gum enhancer in stem of dhawda to find out the mechanism of gummosis and compared with mechanical tapping method. The biological (anatomical), studies were done via taking the sample of soft (sapwood) after injecting the gum enhancer ethephon at different time intervals. It can observed that the application of ethephon enhance the process of gummosis, due to formation of gum duct. The gum duct formation was observed in histological analysis of bark section within 2-4 hrs of ethephon treatment in dhawda. The histological changes indicated that the gum ducts arises schizogenously by the formation of intercellar spaces among a group of axial parenchyma cells in dhawda.

Pages: 124-128  |  3134 Views  1101 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Vidya Bhushan Kuruwanshi, Pratibha Katiyar and Shabnam Khan. Gum tapping technique and anatomical study of ethylene induced gum duct formation in Dhawda (Anogeissuslatifolia). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):124-128.

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