Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Introducing organic farming in lieu of traditional agrriculture in tribal villages: A case study from Jharkhand
Nowadays, farmers as well as common people, especially urban people are showing increased interests in organic farming because of its high nutritive values and absence of toxic chemicals. It has been observed that more organic and natural the produce, the safer and healthier it is for mankind and the environment in larger context. In developed world, organic farming has become the sine qua non of the diversification and modernization of the field of agricultural system. Organic farming has some intrinsic advantages over traditional agricultural practice, e.g., ‘healthy crops with high nutritional properties’, ‘involvement of less initial investment’, ‘optimal usability of locally available fertilizers’, ‘less use of highly mechanized agricultural equipment’ and above economic viability and profitability’. Middle income countries like India can be a potential place for this type of farming. Now days a large segment of population of this country is turning back to age-old traditional means of livelihood, including food and agricultural products. People are now giving preference to locally grown agricultural products, which are generally free of synthetic fertilizers. Synthetic fertilizers have numerous harmful impacts on human body and crops grown with those synthetic chemicals used can cause significant long-term health problems to the consumers. So organic farming can be a good option to prevent those health hazards and at the same time it can motivate people to use locally available resources for agriculture. Because of commercial viability, organic farming can be a good option for amplification of income for socio-economically weak people living in remote areas. This Case Study was carried out to see the viability of organic farming in some remote villages which mainly inhabited by Tribal People
Pages: 1803-1807 | 1479 Views 311 Downloads
Dr. Bharti. Introducing organic farming in lieu of traditional agrriculture in tribal villages: A case study from Jharkhand. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1803-1807.