S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Evaluation of multiple sources of resistance and integrated management of linseed wilt
Savita Ekka, HC Lal, Sohan Ram, Supriya Supal Surin and Elisama Xaxa
Pages: 3286-3288 | 1644 Views 404 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Effect of seed infection on seed quality and longevity under storage of three rice varieties produced at different environments
Usha Rani Pedireddi, LV Subba Rao, Ravish Choudhary, Parashuram D Patroti, Supriya Pallay, Kranthi KVVS, Atul Kumar And Nayan Deepak G
Pages: 3289-3298 | 1955 Views 559 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Effect of spacing on seed yield and quality in phlox. <em>(Phlox drummondii. cv. Globe mix)</em>
Sathiya Narayanan G, Saravanan KR, Prakash M and Sunil kumar B
Pages: 3299-3301 | 1659 Views 406 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Productivity and economics of crop establishment methods and weed management practices on irrigated redgram
J Nambi
Pages: 3302-3305 | 1614 Views 351 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Influence of integrated weed management practices and biofertilizers on yield attribures and yield of <em>Kharif</em> soybean [<em>Glycine max </em>(L.) Merill] in southern Telangana agro- climatic zone
CH Bharat Bhushan Rao
Pages: 3306-3309 | 1390 Views 298 Downloads | Country: India
India |