S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Influence of biofertilizers and plant growth regulators on growth, yield and alkaloid content of Ashwagandha (<em>Withania somnifera</em> Dunal.)
TR Barathkumar and K Manivannan
Pages: 3202-3205 | 1821 Views 528 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Effect of pre emergence and post emergence herbicides on weed control in irrigated blackgram
J Sukumar, Dr. S Pazhanivelan and P Kunjammal
Pages: 3206-3209 | 2354 Views 613 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Impact of climate resilient varieties on crop productivity in NICRA village
SV Sonune and SB Mane
Pages: 3210-3212 | 2298 Views 796 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
A review on soil health and fertility management in organic agriculture through green manuring
Vinod Kumar and Kirti Pawar
Pages: 3213-3217 | 2155 Views 867 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Training need assessment of the farmers in agriculture and allied activities in agency area of East Godavari
N Srividya Rani, KC Bhanu murthy, A Srinivas, P Rajasekhar, S Adarsha, and RVSK Reddy
Pages: 3218-3221 | 1743 Views 310 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Changes in catalase enzyme expression profile during malformation disorder of mango (<em>Mangifera indica</em> L.)
V Rani, G Bains, MW Ansari, AK Tiwary, S Verma, Arun Kumar and SM Prasad
Pages: 3222-3224 | 1544 Views 355 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Enhanced tolerance to malformation in tissues of mango (<em>Mangifera indica </em>L.) expressing higher level of Peroxidase enzyme
V Rani, G Bains, MW Ansari, AK Tiwary, S Verma, Ashisan Tuti, Rajesh Kumar Mishra and SM Prasad
Pages: 3225-3227 | 1510 Views 274 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Anticonvulsants and anti-nociceptive effect of ziziphus xylopyrus wild (Rhamnaceae) stem bark ethanolic extract
Usha Kumari Sah and Bhabagrahi Ratha
Pages: 3228-3231 | 1568 Views 344 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Screening of rice germplasm against multiple diseases under drought condition in middle IGP of Bihar
Santosh Kumar, SK Dwivedi, Rahul Kumar, AK Dubey, Rakesh Kumar, KK Rao, N Bhakta and JS Mishra
Pages: 3232-3235 | 1665 Views 420 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Spatial variability of soil fertility in Ramagarh village in Purna Valley of Vidarbha
Sharad Pophale, SG Wankhade and Nilesh Khadse
Pages: 3236-3242 | 1512 Views 323 Downloads | Country: India
India |