S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Evaluation of hepatoprotective polyherbal formulations contains some Indian medicinal plants
K. Dinesh, V. Sivakumar, B. Selvapriya, E. Deepika, A. Mohamed Sadiq
Pages: 01-05 | 3111 Views 499 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
In vitro screening of Macrotyloma uniflorum extracts for antioxidant and anthelmintic activities
Varicola Karuna Sree, Meda Soundarya, Maddala Ravikumar, Tiyyagura Ravichandra Reddy, Nelluri Kanaka Durga Devi
Pages: 06-10 | 3364 Views 589 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Screening of nutritional, phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of underutilized seeds of Scirpus articulatus: the basis of Khubahi Ramdana industry.
Aastha Bhardwaj, Najam A. Shakil, Vidyanath Jha, Rajinder Kumar Gupta
Pages: 11-20 | 3181 Views 669 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Evaluation of standardisation parameters, pharmacognostic study, preliminary phytochemical screening and in vitro antidiabetic activity of Emblica officinalis fruits as per WHO guidelines
Alagar Raja M, Shailaja V, David Banji, K.N.V.Rao, Selvakumar.D
Pages: 21-28 | 4041 Views 1139 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Quality control study and standardization of Hibiscus rosasinensis l. flowers and leaves as per WHO guidelines
K.N.V. Rao, Geetha K., Alagar Raja. M, David Banji
Pages: 29-37 | 6026 Views 2402 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Isolation and Characterization of Potential Cytotoxic Leads from Ambrosia maritima L. (Asteraceae)
Amina Ibrahim Dirar, Magdi Awadalla Mohamed, Wadah Jamal Ahmed, Mona Salih Mohammed, Hassan Subki Khalid, Elrashied A. E. Garelnabi
Pages: 38-41 | 3282 Views 564 Downloads | Country: Sudan
Sudan |
7 |
Standardization and a-glycosidase inhibition of extracts of Vatica pauciflora Blume stem barks and Smallanthus sonchifolius leaves
Ratna Djamil, Wiwi Winarti, Partomuan Simanjuntak and Syamsudin
Pages: 42-46 | 3102 Views 559 Downloads | Country: Indonesia
Indonesia |
8 |
Nutraceutical potential of Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) and Kasuri methi (Trigonella corniculata L.)
Vani Pasricha, Rajinder K Gupta
Pages: 47-57 | 5793 Views 1381 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Screening of Nutritional, Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Antibacterial activity of the roots of Borassus flabellifer (Asian Palmyra Palm).
Chayanika Sahni, Najam A. Shakil, Vidyanath Jha, Rajinder Kumar Gupta
Pages: 58-68 | 6244 Views 1793 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Comparative preliminary phytochemical analysis of ethanolic extracts of leaves of Olea dioica Roxb., infected with the rust fungus Zaghouania oleae (E.J. Butler) Cummins and non-infected plants
Vimalkumar CS, Hosagaudar VB, Suja SR, Vilash V, Krishnakumar NM, Latha PG
Pages: 69-72 | 6118 Views 1528 Downloads | Country: India
India |