S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Anti-oxidant Constituents from Corydalis govaniana Wall and C. casimiriana Duthie and Prain ex Prain
Ram Lal Shrestha and Achyut Adhikari
Pages: 568-570 | 1982 Views 548 Downloads | Country: Nepal
Nepal |
2 |
Standardization of process for preparation of Indian heritage food Sandga using pulses and ash gourd
Musale SV, More DR and Syed IH
Pages: 571-573 | 2613 Views 686 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops in the arena of climate change
Aditi Guha Choudhury, Jahnvi Sen, Sonam Ongmu Bhutia and Pinaki Roy
Pages: 574-575 | 2787 Views 441 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Influence of pre-harvest spraying treatments of chemicals and plant growth regulators on physical parameters, post-harvest losses and shelf life of sapota [Manilkara achras (Mill.) Forsberg] fruits cv. Kalipatti
VN Desai, BN Satodiya and KJ Khatana
Pages: 576-578 | 1920 Views 494 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Chemical constituents of Mentha piperita and Pongamia pinnata essential oils and their synergistic anticandidal activity with some antibiotics against multidrug resistant clinical isolates of Candida
Tejas Rathod, Hemali Padalia and Sumitra Chanda
Pages: 579-589 | 2506 Views 859 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Studies on process standardization and nutritional value of Indian heritage Food-Kharodi
Dudhate AK, More DR and Syed IH
Pages: 590-593 | 2232 Views 681 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Preliminary phytochemical study and TLC analysis of the fruit, leaves and flowers of Citrus limetta Risso
E MartÃnez-Cano, SM MartÃnez-Cano, KI Avalos-López and JA González-Simental
Pages: 594-599 | 3289 Views 1396 Downloads | Country: Mexico
Mexico |
8 |
Studies on physico-chemical properties and minerals content from different sorghum genotypes
SD Patekar, Dr. More and SI Hashmi
Pages: 600-604 | 2385 Views 910 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Cost and return of Redgram in Kalaburagi district of Karnataka an economic analysis
Sachin Kumar and Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Pages: 605-607 | 2616 Views 1358 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Fruiting characteristics of jalpai-the Indian olive (Elaeocarpus floribundus Blume.)
Nilesh Bhowmick
Pages: 608-609 | 2721 Views 784 Downloads | Country: India
India |