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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 9, Issue 4 (2020)
S. No. Title and Authors Name Country
Ethnobotanical study of plants used as antimalarial in traditional medicine in Bagira in Eastern RD Congo
Bashige Chiribagula V, Bakari Amuri S, Okusa Ndjolo Philippe, Kahumba Byanga J, Duez Pierre and Lumbu Simbi JB
Pages: 01-14  |  3900 Views  1883 Downloads  |  Country: Congo
Comparative study of antibacterial assay of Mentha piperita (in vivo and in vitro cultured) leaves extract on enveloped human pathogenic bacteria and its phytochemical screening
Bhoora, Hira Singh Gariya, Dr. Naveen Gaurav Srivastava, Baby Gargi and Mrigakshi Joshi
Pages: 15-19  |  3121 Views  1328 Downloads  |  Country: India
Effect of Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract on Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats
A Mishal, R Saravanan, S Sakthi Atchitha, K Santhiya, M Rithika, S Sanju Menaka and T Thiruvalluvan
Pages: 20-23  |  3520 Views  1278 Downloads  |  Country: India
Estimation of phenolic content, flavonoid content, antioxidant properties and alpha-amylase inhibitory activities of Capparis spinosa L.
Fatma Elshibani, Abdullah Alamami, Salmin Alshalmani, Esra A El Naili, Hala A Gehawe, Mohamed Ali Sharkasi and Naema Elremali
Pages: 24-28  |  2111 Views  799 Downloads  |  Country: Libya
Phytochemical prospection and antibacterial activity of native plants from the cerrado of goiás, Brazil
Gracyelle Guimaraes DE Carvalho, Geovana Correa Peres, Rafael Martins Custódio Mendonça and Edvande Xavier DOS Santos Filho
Pages: 29-37  |  2095 Views  623 Downloads  |  Country: Brazil
Effect of the aqueous extract of Catharanthus roseus leaves against hypertention induced by fructose in rats
Benoît Yoro, Calixte Bahi, Gnahoué Gouéh, Jean Noel Yapi and Serge Djoudori Koné
Pages: 38-44  |  1822 Views  586 Downloads  |  Country: Cote D'Ivoire
Cote D'Ivoire
To determine antimicrobial and phytochemical properties of Boswellia serrata leaf extracts
Priyanka V Ramani and Piyush J Godhani
Pages: 45-47  |  2035 Views  681 Downloads  |  Country: India
Compounds with myorelaxant activity from the leaves of Mareya micrantha (Benth.) Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae)
Konan Léon Koffi, François Nicaise Bony, Aboua Timothée Okpekon, Marie Louise Ahui Bitty, Koffi Joseph N Guessan, Blandine Séon-Méniel, Pierre Le Pogam, N Cho Christophe Amin, Michèle Aké and Pierre Champy
Pages: 48-59  |  2131 Views  648 Downloads  |  Country: India
Acute and sub-acute (28-Day) oral toxicity studies of aqueous extract of secamone afzelii leaves in wistar rats
Koné Djoudori Serge, Gnahoue Goueh, Tra bi irié otis, Bamba Abou, Kouakou Koffi Roger and Yapi Houphouet Félix
Pages: 60-64  |  2199 Views  766 Downloads  |  Country: Cote D'Ivoire
Cote D'Ivoire
Studies on correlation and path coefficient analysis and its contributing parameters in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) genotypes
Kripa Shankar Maurya, Dr. Satya Prakash Dr. Rajesh Kumar and Dr. Chandra Shekhar
Pages: 65-68  |  1595 Views  472 Downloads  |  Country: India
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

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