S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
Seed enhancement studies in hybrid rice (<em>Oryza sativa</em> L.)
Shiwangi, Abhishek JP Srivastava and Kiran Singh
Pages: 03-05 | 2631 Views 464 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Physio-Molecular approach towards developing rice variety for dual resistance (Drought and Submergence) under rainfed lowland ecosystem
Ajit Tiwari, Shambhoo Prasad, Gaurav Kumar, Arun Kumar, Anurag Mishra and KN Singh
Pages: 06-12 | 3102 Views 602 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Effect of sequencial application of metribuzin on growth and yield of soybean
MD Tuti, TK Das and V Sunitha
Pages: 13-17 | 2460 Views 391 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Evaluation of Fungicides on management of Dieback and Fruit Rot Disease Causing Alternaria tenuissima (Kunze ex Pers.) WILTSHIRE of Chilli
CS Azad, RP Singh and A Kumar
Pages: 18-25 | 3668 Views 1467 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Influence of Non-Chemical Weed Management Practices On Grain Yield and Biochemical Parameters of Organic Rice
Bavaji Gudi Shobha Rathod, E Somasundaram and Ashoka Reddy Yerva
Pages: 26-29 | 2407 Views 350 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Study about the Signs of Illness Experienced By Farmers When Exposed To the Agrochemicals (Pesticides)
S Lokesh Babu, DD Suradkar and PA Ghadage
Pages: 30-33 | 2717 Views 443 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Maximizing Yield and Economics of Pigeonpea through Integrated Agronomic Management in Black Soil under Rainfed Condition
G Veeranna, Ch. Ramulu, P Raghu Rami Reddy and P Jagan Mohan Rao
Pages: 34-36 | 2479 Views 350 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Hydraulic performance of different irrigation methods on chickpea and coriander intercropping in vertisol of Chhattisgarh plains
Jhalesh Kumar, P Katre, Kumari Chandrika, Tirath Kumar, and Niraj Thakur
Pages: 37-41 | 2750 Views 496 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Characterization of water retention and release capacity of innovative nano clay polymer composite superabsorbent
Mahendra Kumar Verma, Priyal Pandey and Nirmal De
Pages: 42-48 | 3376 Views 1020 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
Establishment of root to root culture and evaluation of phytochemicals in Rhizobium rhizogenes transformed roots of Stevia rebaudiana
Shweta Singh, Sunita Murmu, Anath Bandhu Das, ZA Haider and Madhuparna Banerjee
Pages: 49-54 | 2894 Views 746 Downloads | Country: India
India |