S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
A review on chitosan nanoparticles applications in drug delivery
Sheetal G Roy, Namrata S Shirsat, Ashish C Mishra, Sandeep O Waghulde and Mohan K Kale
Pages: 01-04 | 3413 Views 1218 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
A review on herbs against snake venom
Sumedh M Vaidya, Amar R Singh, Vraj G Patel, Nilofar A Khan, Rupali P Yewale and Dr. Mohan K Kale
Pages: 05-09 | 6315 Views 4275 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Anti-thrombotic activity of isolated β-sitosterol from roots of <em>Hemidesmus indicus</em> Linn in rat model
Prachi S Salunkhe, Shrutika D Patil and Swati R Dhande
Pages: 10-14 | 2402 Views 623 Downloads | Country: India
India |
4 |
Cdk 4/6 inhibitors revolutionized breast cancer therapy
Priyanka V Bandivadekar, Vrushali Neve and Poonam Patil
Pages: 15-18 | 2354 Views 517 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Formulation and evaluation of 5-fluorouracil buccal mucoadhesive buccal tablet
Nitin Gawai and Zahid Zaheer
Pages: 19-23 | 2691 Views 708 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Comparative anti-inflammatory activity of arils extracts of <em>Punica granatum</em> fruits
Sandeep Waghulde, Sweety Bhopi, Trunali Ghude, Roshani Gotarane, Prasad Kumbhar, Ashish Gudade and Mohan Kale
Pages: 24-27 | 2301 Views 576 Downloads | Country: India
India |
7 |
Herbal biomarkers in angiogenesis
Prajwal Jadhav and Srushti Jagadale
Pages: 28-30 | 2531 Views 546 Downloads | Country: India
India |
8 |
Formulation development of patient friendly dosage form for eye drug delivery: Kajal
Sandeep Waghulde, Archana Pawar, Minal Kadav, Pratiksha Khade and Mohan Kale
Pages: 31-34 | 4036 Views 1833 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of Ethanolic extract of fruit of Psoralea Corylifolia Linn
Vrushali Neve, Priyanka Bandivadekar, Poonam Patil and Pritam Kutal
Pages: 35-37 | 2545 Views 713 Downloads | Country: India
India |
10 |
<em>In vitro </em>evaluation of inhibitory potential of <em>Terminalia chebula </em>(Combretaceae) fruit extracts on rat CYP enzymes
M Toraskar and Vineeta V Khanvilkar
Pages: 38-41 | 2463 Views 700 Downloads | Country: India
India |