S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 |
An update on phytochemistry and therapeutic properties of Ipomoea carnea
Kunal, Vishal, Chhavi Singla, Asha Sharma and Anju Dhiman
Pages: 01-06 | 6517 Views 4485 Downloads | Country: India
India |
2 |
Guar gum valuable for pharmacological and pharmaceutical conscious: A review
Gopal Lal, Neha Shekhawat, Swati Yadav, Mahendra Kumar Choudhary and Meenakshi Bhatiya
Pages: 07-13 | 2768 Views 1284 Downloads | Country: India
India |
3 |
Rapid isolation of vitexin from leaves of kinkeliba, Combretum micranthum G. Don
Tine Daba, Fall Alioune Dior, Dieng Serigne Mbacké, Sarr Abdou, Lyu Weiting, Wu Qingl-Li, Simon James E and Bassene Emmanuel
Pages: 14-16 | 2388 Views 808 Downloads | Country: Senegal
Senegal |
4 |
Pharmacognostic study of Gambhari phala and Patra (Gmelina arborea. Linn)
Dixit Renu, P Kumar Dileep and Reddy KV Vijaya Bhaskara
Pages: 17-22 | 2585 Views 1056 Downloads | Country: India
India |
5 |
Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds
Naveen Kumar, AH Ahmad, SP Singh, Disha Pant, Amit Prasad and SK Rastogi
Pages: 23-26 | 3183 Views 1722 Downloads | Country: India
India |
6 |
Inhibitory activities of ethanol extracts from Boesenbergia rotunda, Zingiber purpureum, and Alpinia galanga on in vitro agonists induced human platelet aggregation
Serm Surapinit, Ratchaniporn Kongsui, Napatr Sriraksa, Sitthisak Thongrong and Suttira Sedlak
Pages: 27-31 | 1962 Views 742 Downloads | Country: Thailand
Thailand |
7 |
Bioguided isolation, structure elucidation and evaluation of new antimicrobial flavonoid from Carica papaya leaves
Messi Angelique Nicolas, Ngoutane Mfopa Alvine, Bayiha Ba Njock Gaëtan, Melogmo Dongmo Yanick Kevin, Dize Darline, Tsimi Essomba Marcelle Alida, Kodjo Eloh, Ngo Mbing Joséphine, Fekam Boyom Fabrice and Pegnyemb Dieudonné Emmanuel
Pages: 32-39 | 2163 Views 771 Downloads | Country: Cameroon
Cameroon |
8 |
Annona muricata L. and Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae): A review of their traditional uses and anticancer activities
Mahunakpon NG Gnanga, Assogba Gabin Assanhou, Habib Ganfon, Engelbert J Agbokponto, Fernand A Gbaguidi and Virgile AHYI
Pages: 40-51 | 3051 Views 1299 Downloads | Country: India
India |
9 |
Phytochemical and anti-snake venom characteristics of the leaves extract of Hibiscus radiatus
Isaac Enemali Shaibu and Simon Koma Okwute
Pages: 52-59 | 1906 Views 760 Downloads | Country: Nigeria
Nigeria |
10 |
Comparative evaluation study on the physicochemical composition of three different tamarind varieties
Bhavani BPVSG, Nirmala Devi G, Lakshmi K and Lakshmi J
Pages: 60-66 | 2830 Views 1349 Downloads | Country: India
India |